GPS coordinates:
DD : Lat 50.21638420 | Lg 4.75470465
DMS: 50°12’58.9831”N | 4°45’16.9367”E
How can you reach me?
Between 12th and 26th of October 2024, I will follow a course & be unreachable. Please contact my friend Pat = +32 497 703 489 and
Otherwise, I’m available on phone between 8.30 AM & 6 PM and after 7.30 PM: +32 497 58 59 60
If no answer, please leave your message into my voice mail (after 30 seconds) or send me a SMS via 2G = Out of internet.
If you have a subscription outside Belgium, use best WhatsApp: +32 497 58 59 60. Also for pictures & video.
To send documents or for not urgent answers = answer in one week, you can use my mail:
To reserve B&B, please do it directly on my website: through the ORC of elloha, official in Wallonia. Discounts (min. 2 nights, not refundable etc.), will be automatically calculated.
For reservations outside B&B, as Wellness, after my agreement, an advance payment of minimum 50% can be paid at my CBC Business account: BE81 7320 4660 5824.
Véronique Debliquy = Viquy
I speak easelly English.